Sunday, May 19, 2013

Discovering a Hidden Path

I love spring in Madison. I think I would love spring in most places, but the contrast in Madison makes it extra special. This past winter was especially long, and we know the summer to come might bring another drought like last year's. Spring is to be savored, and is always too short.

On a perfect spring day, the air is warm, the sun feels like the life-giver it is, and the breeze smells like lilacs and apple blossoms and sweet william. Color is all around: the green of new leaves that you don't get any other time of year, against the deep dark green of the arbor vitae and other evergreens. Here and there early flowers are blooming, but it is the trees that are the most beautiful right now. There are crab apples and other flowering fruit trees in white and pinks and purples, there are magnolias of several varieties, and there is one of my favorites: redbud. It is a startling red/violet/pink color, but the tree has such a delicate structure that the overall effect is light and airy. They're at their peak just now, so lovely.

All this was inspired by my ride tonight. I headed east, knowing that I was tired from digging in my garden most of the day, and happy to let the bike share the work. I crossed Whitney Way and Rosa Road, and zoomed up the horrible, steep hill that has always been my major roadblock going in that direction. *grin*

Just off Inner Drive is what looks like a little park with a path going through it. I had biked that far once, but after biking uphill on my street and walking up the horrible hill, I had never had the energy to get very far along the path. Tonight I did, and I made a discovery. It's not really a park at all! it is a wide greenway that goes on for blocks, with water running down the center. The water is just runoff that has  been corralled by concrete, going through culverts and flowing through concrete banks, but it's still very pleasant. There are even waterfalls along its path - drops of only a foot or so, but it sounds like a waterfall. There is a wide grassy area on each side, and flowering trees at intervals. It really isn't that hard to think of it as river. In fact, I think it would be a great place for a picnic.

A quick evening jaunt, but what a wonderful discovery. It would be pleasant to bike down that path even when it gets hotter out, because of trees along much of it. I didn't reach the end, so I have more exploring to do! It's almost right in my backyard, and I never knew it was there. Now that the horrible hill is no longer horrible, I will go back. Next time, I promise I'll take my camera and take pictures to post.

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