Tuesday, April 2, 2013

So Far Loving This Bike

Temperature about freezing, and there are clouds, but the sun comes through now and then, and it's a spring sun. I think it feels different because it's higher in the sky, and it's more warming than a winter sun. Still, I suited up in my full winter coat and wasn't too warm. In fact, I wore bicycling gloves and my hands were cold.

But I so love my bike! It's such a smooth machine. The gears feel smooth, and the bike - even with a heavy battery, doesn't feel heavy when you ride it - it feels responsive. The power throttle works very smoothly also, and that's important. When I hit a hill that is gradual, I can engage it just a little; I'm still doing some of the work, but I'm getting a little more result for my effort. Just for fun, I cranked it on one slope, and it flew up the hill! I haven't tried it on anything very steep yet, but it sure feels like the power is there. And, surprise, it rolls much better with the tires inflated correctly. :)

I've been struggling with the idea of the power assist, because it feels like somehow it's cheating. It feels like I will be tempted to let it do all the work and avoid any workout at all. I think I have a fear of being lazy. I believe I got over that today. For one thing, I didn't use the power for most of the ride at all, probably less than 10%. For another, I know I worked plenty hard because my legs were a bit wobbly when I got off. My great realization today is that the power assist is not assisting me in slacking off - it's just allowing me to go further and enjoy more on a given amount of energy. Breakthrough!

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