Monday, April 15, 2013

New Battery Works

It's been 8 days since my Long Ride, and I finally went out on my bike again. As I said in my last entry, Len's Electric Bikes replaced my battery when I reported my problem, but we didn't know if it was really the battery or something else. I've been wanting to do a test ride all week, but between the weather and not feeling all that great, I didn't get out. Yesterday I jumped on for a quick half block, and it worked - so far so good - but I wanted to give it a better test.

Today I worked through eating lunch so that I could grab 45 minutes of biking. The battery works! I have to say I'm a little surprised - I was really afraid it was a connection somewhere or something else in the wiring, but it worked solidly through my ride.

I didn't go far from home, but I wanted to use the power a lot, so I explored streets that I've never biked on before because they had steeper hills than I wanted to tackle. Hills? What hills? I'm still getting a kick out of just powering up hills I could never do by myself.

It's 57 degrees, and my weather app reports winds gusting to 35 miles per hour. It's much warmer than last week, and the predicted rain hasn't happened. In fact it's sunny on and off, so it was really very pleasant. The wind was definitely a factor, however. I don't mind wind, but it's harder work pedaling into it. It was strong enough to suggest that the power assist could be helpful going into a headwind. I didn't actually need to use it today, but that's one more liberating factor to having power.

A nice ride - it's good to be back out!


  1. I had problems with my battery in the beginning, took it back to Len's and was surprised to learn I wasn't charging it right. Talk about feeling like a ding bat.

  2. If you'd care to, please tell us more. There is a learning curve to e-bikes, and that's part of what this blog is about. :)
